

俄副防長涉貪被捕 「一戰封神」勢力下降

俄羅斯政府星期二晚通報,副國防部長 Timur Ivanov【文首照片】因為涉嫌貪污而被立案調查。由於 Ivanov 是國防部長紹伊古(Sergei Shoigu)的親信,Ivanov 下馬被視為紹伊古勢力下降,普京(Vladimir Putin)連任總統後,國內建制勢力之間開始洗牌。




「(David) McCrone(, co-director of the Institute of Governance at the University of Edinburgh,) laughs at the simplicity of the view from London of the Scottish question. “The view from there tends to espy two possibilities: that Scotland will never be independent, and that independence is inevitable. I think it’s much more complicated than that. We live in a world where independence can be a problem. In reality, we’re talking about degrees of self-government. If independence is understood to be the classic nineteenth-century independent state with borders and armies and all those things, well, of course that’s not going to happen. That’s not the world we live in,” he explains. “In the world today, self-government is shared at different levels. Both Spain and Britain are members of the European Union. And the EU has power too. It’s not a matter of absolute sovereignty, but of shared sovereignty.”
「“My personal prediction is that Britain will follow a path to a confederation,” David McCrone continues. “In other words, when it will have to come, at some point in the future, there will be higher levels of self-government. Just as there are in Belgium, for very different reasons and in another context. Devolution of powers in Flanders and Wallonia is considerable. We are moving toward a world confederation, not a world of completely independent states. A world in which Scotland, Catalonia and of course the Basque Country will go further in self-government. Things change......」





德文差英文差唔見影 郭健早被質疑行跡可疑

就德國AfD(另一選項黨)今年6月初歐洲議會選舉名單首位者(Spitzenkandidat)Maximilian Krah 的議員助理 郭健今天(23日)被指控替中國當間諜 ,不只德國傳媒,連英文媒體去年4月也有文章提及,議事廳內早有耳言,覺得郭健很可疑。

辛偉誠建議收緊失業福利 取消GP簽病假紙權力

英國首相辛偉誠(Rishi Sunak) 星期五表示 ,如果保守黨勝出下屆大選,政府將會取消普通科醫生(GP)簽署病假紙(sick note)的權力,揚言要改變英國的「病假紙文化」,並收緊失業福利,鼓勵更多人就業。

德拘捕AfD議員中國裔助理 涉替中國當間諜 監視海外異見人士

德國連續第二日傳出拘捕替中國當間諜的人士,這次是替極右政黨AfD(另一選項黨)歐洲議會議員 Maximilian Krah 擔任議員助理的43歲德國籍中國裔人士郭健。消息正值歐洲議會選舉投票前一個多月,而且 Krah 是 AfD 在今次選舉中的名單首位者,這宗案件較 昨天有關非法取得德國軍事技術 的案件敏感得多。

德國3公民被捕 涉替中國獲軍事技術

德國聯邦檢察署星期一(22日)上午宣佈 ,拘捕了兩男一女共3名德國公民,他們涉嫌替中國政府當間諜,協助中國從德國的大學取得重要軍事技術。

英起訴2男子 涉向中國洩密 一為反中議員小組研究員

英國去年3月拘捕2名男子,調查他們涉嫌替中國做間諜,滲透英國國會。事隔超過1年, 英國當局星期一宣佈起訴二人 違返1911年《官方機密法》(Official Secrets Act),並正式開名,表示被告是去年已開名的國會前議員助理Christopher Cash(29歲),以及32歲的Christopher Berry。